Implantamos blockchain en el sello “Espacio Protegido Covid-19” de FENEVAL

We implemented blockchain in the FENEVAL “Covid-19 Protected Space” seal

It is the first application of this technology in the sector to guarantee users that rental cars are totally safe.

You will have seen them in more and more places. Labels with the reassuring legend “Espacio anti-Covid”, or “Covid-free”. But do users really have a guarantee that this is the case? Not on too many occasions. Picaresque also proliferates and many of these stamps are not controlled or verified by any competent body.

The National Federation of Rental Vehicles With and Without Driver (FENEVAL) takes action on the matter and trust 5DS the technological remedy to that problem: the application of the blockchain to the process that the companies of the Federation must follow to obtain this seal, which joins the process of training, validation and audit by the company TÜV SÜD.

Why the blockchain? It is one of the safest technologies when it comes to ensuring that the user receives accurate information at all times, without loss, modification or deletion, an efficiency that is especially valuable when we talk about human health and fighting a pandemic. It would be comparable to a digital notary that records the process of obtaining each seal and makes it available to the user as the highest level of transparency.

Y why 5ds? "We are specialists in blockchain, one of the great engines of the current and future digital economy, based on a disruptive technology that allows establishing relationships with the client, in this case FENEVAL, on a basis of trust, security and authentication never seen before" , explains Jorge Casasempere, partner of the consultancy.

Those are precisely the key concepts: trust, security, authentication. Those that FENEVAL wants to transmit to its clients to alleviate the drop in its turnover with the break in tourism. News such as the quarantine imposed by Great Britain on travelers visiting Spain could confirm one of the worst forecasts for the rent a car: the fall of up to 80% revenue this year.

the block chain will allow car rental companies to demonstrate that they apply all possible measures of sanitary security and disinfection, and that the “Covid-19 Protected Space” seal is your guarantee. We also consider that this benefit can be extrapolated to many other activities related to tourism, from hospitality to leisure, when it comes to assuring customers that they enjoy safe spaces and services.

“We understand the importance of being at the forefront of this type of technology. Blockchainize the seal is a means to certify and validate compliance with the protocol with an inviolable, reliable record, unhackable and resistant to data manipulation, where everything is recorded. The blockchain it has enormous potential, since it can be applied to a wide variety of sectors, such as health, the Internet of things and, of course, also to the automotive industry,” explains the president of FENEVAL, Juan Luis Barahona.

The news has been reflected in the general press and specialized media:

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